Budgeting- many people think budget is a scary word – that it implies extreme frugality, being broke, or some sort of deprivation. But most folks that are on top of their money – in fact, the average millionaire – have said a budget is the #1 key to getting control of their money. Here’s how to get past the hard part of budgeting & create a budget, spending plan, or Money-fantastic-glitter-outline – whatever you need to call it to embrace budgeting.
Download your free budgeting quickstart here: http://ohmydollar.com/budget/
Some budgeting software:
Youneedabudget or YNAB – https://www.youneedabudget.com/
Mint – http://www.mint.com
Learnvest: http:/www.learnvest.com
Level Money: https://www.levelmoney.com/